Movie productions are filled with diverse roles, each contributing to a magical final product that becomes something greater than the sum of its parts. While many positions are vital for production, some stand out for their creativity and unique experiences. Here are 5 of the most fun on-set jobs that keep the excitement alive in filmmaking!&...
"It will be a man. He'll likely be in his 30s. Whiteness is not a given." With these few words, legendary producer Barbara Broccoli has given us three precious clues as to how the new James Bond will be chosen, one of the most exciting unknowns of the present moment. Broccoli, who has been working on the Bo...
(Photo: MUBI) From endearing animated movies to independent Cinderella stories and crime thrillers, it's time to take a look at the 6 most essential films to see before the end of the year. Some are continuations of sagas, others are novel adaptations, and others are completely original! 1. The SubstanceThe first on t...