(Photo: Lionsgate) Released in 2005, Santa’s Slay is a bizarre cross between a Christmas film and a horror film that stars former wrestler Bill Goldberg as Santa Claus, known for his signature moves The Spear and Jackhammer! The film starts off pleasantly enough: as an insufferable family consisting of James...
(Photo: Sony Pictures) This holiday movie guilty pleasure is a film written by one of America’s premiere holiday storytellers: John Grisham. Back in 2001, Grisham decided to take a break from writing dramatic novels about lawyers frantically trying to save someone so that he could write Skipping Christmas, a story c...
(Photo: Netflix) Christmas season is upon us! Though we look forward to it the entire year, sometimes, in the moment, it can feel like all the traditions are a bit overdone and the classic movies have become seriously over-watched. If you don’t want to stick to the same old movies on repeat, we've got a list of underrated Christmas m...