4 Things We're Looking Forward To In “Girl Meets World” Season 3!

Bay Window in 4...3…2...
The time has come, and our favorites from “Girl Meets World” are off to high school! Where did the time go?? In Season 2, we really saw how people can change and how growing as an individual can be hard but worth it when you have great friends and a great teacher. Now, if you’re a '90s “Boy Meets World” fan, the finale episode, “Legacy”, will make you feel all sorts of nostalgia. I couldn’t help but hear Mr. Feeny say, “Believe in yourselves, dream, try, do good,” only this time I heard the voice of Cory Matthews. Now that are favorites are off on a new journey, here is what we can expect from Season 3!
1. The Triangle
In Season 2, we learned that not only does Riley have feelings for Lucas, but so does Maya! It’s definitely been a learning process for all parties involved while Riley, Maya, and Lucas figuring out their feelings. Meanwhile, Farkle is trying to help where it’s needed, and Cory and Topanga try and help everyone learn the importance of feelings. #ALLTHEFEELS It looks like we are going to get many emotional moments of Riley and Maya at the bay window. You will have to tune in to see what happens in for these 3!
2. Cory Goes Back To High School
Mr. Matthews is returning to high schoo, only this time as a teacher! We can definitely expect a lot of life lessons in his new classroom. Who remembers Cory and Shawn’s first day of high school? Shawn was working them sideburns!
3. Carl Winslow? Is That You?
Rumor has it that Reginald VelJohnson will be appearing in new upcoming episodes. The former “Family Matters” star will not be bringing back the fan favorite Carl Winslow, but word on the street is that he will be playing a cop again. How awesome is that?
Can we PLEASE get Riley Mathews to a Knicks game this season? It would so fun to watch. Who remembers her rant?
It looks like there is a lot in store for Season 3. The transition from middle school to high school is never easy, but it allows you to learn and become better aware of your feelings. There isn’t a set day of when we can expect the new season, but it will be sometime in 2016!
What do YOU want to see happen in Season 3? Tweet us!
(Screenshot via YouTube)
- Brittany Taormina, YH Contributing Writer