Ways to Give Back This Holiday Season!

Man, this year has flown by so fast! As they say, ‘tis the season to give! And even though Thanksgiving and Christmas have come and gone and all the presents have been given and received, there's still time to give back!
Even celebs are taking time out of their busy schedules to give back to the community. No matter what kind of volunteering you would like to do or are interested in, there is something, somewhere where you can do your part to serve your community. Instead of buying things or looking through your old belongings to donate, you can give your time and volunteer!
Here are some ideas and places you can go and help out during this time of year when those who are a bit less fortunate would love the help and assistance!
Volunteer at a soup kitchen!
There are so many people in our country who are homeless and hungry and would love a place to possibly forget their worries and the world around them and be comfortable, even if it's just for one special day.
Work at an animal shelter!
If you love animals, this is a great place for you to not only help take care of the animals, but you can also help people adopt the right pet for them and their family during this loving, winter season.
Visit a senior citizen home!
Regardless of the reason, sometimes the elderly can’t be with their families during the holiday season, but that doesn’t mean they want to be alone! Go and listen to a story or play a game of gin rummy! They would love the company, and I’d bet they would even be able to give you a token of wisdom after all their years of experience.
Visit hospitals!
You may not be able to offer any medical expertise, but visiting patients will make their time there more enjoyable. It would be nice for them to be able to talk to people other than the nurses and doctors that they are used to.
These aren’t the only things you can do! There are plenty of places and organizations that are looking for help. Every year, my church is looking for volunteers for when they open up their doors during the winter season and give the homeless a warm and safe place to stay and a hot meal. Some organizations have events where you can help wrap presents and toys for children who are less fortunate. The possibilities to volunteer are endless, and it truly does go a long way!
What a great way to give thanks for everything we have by giving back to others! Happy Holidays, everyone!
(Photo via JLN Photography/WENN)
- Amanda Baltazar, YH Contributing Writer