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The Next Generation Of Sandler: Why We Love "You Are So Not Invited To My Bat Mitzvah"!

Written by Tori Raphael. Published: September 02 2023
(Photo: Netflix)

Wouldn't you like to forget your awkward middle school stage? Well, If you have recently watched Netflix’s "You Are So Not Invited To My Bat Mitzvah", you will remember why. This film is a recent coming-of-age comedy starring Sunny Sandler about a young girl, Stacy Friedman, who disinvites her best friend, Lydia Rodriguez Katz (Samantha Lorraine), from her Bat Mitzvah. After catching Lydia kissing her crush, Andy Goldfarb (Dylan Hoffman), the protagonist feels she has no choice but to disinvite her friend, try to win back her crush, and throw the best Bat Mitzvah ever. This unique movie stars Adam Sandler’s youngest daughter and strays away from his typical brand of comedy. However, "You Are So Not Invited To My Bat Mitzvah" is a relatable coming-of-age story that would make anyone want to do the hora on the dance floor!




Unlike your typical tween coming-of-age story, this film explores larger themes of friendship, family, religion, and adolescence in a refreshing manner. Although middle school dating drama is nothing new to us, everyone can remember how dramatic it felt at that age. The entirety of the movie shows that friendship, love, and kindness are the truest parts of any Bat Mitzvah. A Bat Mitzvah is a Jewish tradition where, at 12, a girl becomes a woman by reciting her Torah portion, becoming an active member of her congregation -- and oftentimes having an amazing party! The point of a Bat Mitzvah and the movie is the transition from childhood into adulthood, with the help of your friends, family, and the larger community. This movie perfectly captures that, as it takes a village to teach the protagonist the lessons of growing up.




Sunny Sandler plays a fantastic role as the lead while her famous father takes a step back in the film to let his daughter shine. However, Adam Sandler fans can enjoy his clever jokes and film presence as his signature touch isn't lost in the movie. Although the film does feel like a middle school tween film, Sandler still imbues it with some of his classic humor. However, it is a whole family event as Sadie Sandler, Adam Sandler's eldest daughter, and Jackie Sandler, Adam Sandler’s wife, are all in the comedy as well! The film feels heartwarmingly wholesome and is definitely something the whole family can watch!




These days, it is nice to see a film with a relatable Jewish family and Jewish values -- where being Jewish is not the butt of the joke. Additionally, it is not common to have a coming-of-age story centered around a Bat Mitzvah, and now many young Jewish girls have a film that they can look up to. The film, however, isnt perfect as the representation of the film is of a small American Jewish subset of Reform Judaism. When it comes to Jewish representation in all media, it is integral to have all kinds of representation of the Jewish experience, not just Ashkenazi Reform Judaism. 


Personally, I related to this film a lot, as I had also disinvited my best friend to my Bat Mitzvah and experienced many of the struggles in the film during my middle school career. Overall, This movie put me right back to my 12-year-old age, where every weekend there was a B'nai Mitzvah party, and I just wanted mine to be the best. I remember the pressure we all put on ourselves to have the best party when all that really mattered was having a meaningful milestone with our friends, family, and community. Whether you like Adam Sandler Comedy or coming-of-age films, or have your own B'nai Mitzvah to look forward to -- give this film a watch!