SUNDAY MUSIC VIDS: Famous Tributes
There's nothing quite like having a famous musician compose and
sing a song about you. And if you're a fellow famous person, it
gets even juicier! Just ask Taylor Swift, who has
forged a career and whole albums about the celebs she has
But Swifty is only one in a looooong and storied legacy of
singer-songwriters using their talents to address those they have
loved, lost, and everything in between. Heck, Fleetwood
Mac wouldn't even exist if not for their musical smackdowns on one another!
So, this week, I'm paying tribute to tributes! Here are 7 classic
songs inspired by other famous faces:
"In Your Eyes" - Peter Gabriel
Dedicated to: Rosanna Arquette
The story goes that it was Rosanna herself who urged the
usually offbeat singer to allow the filmmakers of Say
Anything... to include this song in the now
legendary raise-the-boombox scene. Most people have that
image in their mind when they hear this song, but Peter himself put
out his own visual representation! (As a side note, this was
not Arquette's first experience being the object of
musical affection -- in 1982, rock
band Toto recorded and released the tune "Rosanna" in her honor!)
"Candle in the Wind" - Elton John
Dedicated to: Marilyn Monroe
Elton's homage to the most glamorous woman ever is a tender ode to
a misunderstood woman admired from afar. His whole sentiment can be
summed up by the line "Goodbye, Norma Jean, from the young man in
the 22nd row, who sees you as something more than sexual; more than
just 'our Marilyn Monroe.'" Chills! Elton brilliantly brings us
back to the human, not the legend, of Marilyn, who, let's face it,
really was like a "candle in the wind" -- she never knew her
father, her mother was locked away in an institution most of her
life, she had no brothers and sisters, and she had no children.
Basically, she had no legacy other than herself. And, thanks to
Elton, she has this song.
In 1997, after the tragic death of another glamour icon, Princess Diana, Elton reworked the
lyrics of this song in her honor and performed it at her
"Steve McQueen" - Sheryl Crow
Dedicated to: Steve McQueen
This song isn't so much about Steve McQueen himself as it
is about the idea of him, but I personally think it's a
fitting tribute to one of the biggest badasses in cinema
history! The video gives a shout-out to McQueen's most
famous flick, Bullitt, widely considered to contain
one of the most thrilling car chase sequences ever caught on
"Man On the Moon" - REM
Dedicated to: Andy Kaufman
The song, released in 1992, heavily references late comedian, Andy
Kaufman, known for pulling numerous fast ones on the public. The
song became so associated with him that when Milos
Foreman made the film based on Kaufman's life, starring Jim Carrey, he not only named it for REM's song
but he also employed the group to score the film as well! Out of
this came a sequel, of sorts, to "Man On the Moon" -- the equally
brilliant and enigmatic "The Great Beyond".
"Black Velvet" - Alannah Myles
Dedicated to: Elvis Presley
An appropriately sultry Southern twang encapsulates
Alannah's 1989 ode to the King of Rock. The title itself
refers to the questionable practice of emblazoning Elvis's likeness
in sheets of black velvet and hanging them on one's wall.
"You Oughta Know"
- Alanis Morissette
Dedicated to: Dave Coulier
When Alanis first burst into the mainstream in
the mid-'90s with this biting, bitter attack on an
inconsiderate ex-lover, the world collectively asked itself, who in
the world could have done so much damage of this to this young
woman to make her lash out like this??
The answer: Uncle Joey from "Full House."
Wait, WHAT?? Yes, it's true, the man who made a career out of
mugging uncontrollably and dropping corny one-liners on the Olsen Twins spent his free time being a
dastardly cad to little Alanis Morissette.
Whodda thunk? If you're still scratching your head, don't
worry -- so is Dave. When he realized the song was about him, he
honestly had no idea he had hurt her so badly (at least, according
to him). As for Alanis, I think she's moved on nicely. In 2010 she
marries Mario Treadway and they currently have 2
kids together.
(Also, it might be worth noting that Alanis's 2003 album, So-Called Chaos, featured a song called "This Grudge", all
about forgiving someone who has been the object of her vitriol and
how it only ended up hurting herself. The song opens with the line:
"Fourteen years, thirty minutes, fifteen seconds, I've held this
grudge..." Could this be Alanis's absolving of Mr. Coulier?)
"You're So Vain" - Carly Simon
Dedicated to: ???
This one is a doozy. Its notoriety stems not so much from who
it's about but because we don't know who it's
about! Carly has kept us in the dark for years, ever
since it hit airwaves way back in 1972. Rumors and theories have
abounded -- everyone
from Warren Beatty to James
Taylor to Mick Jagger have
been suspected -- but Carly has been very coy. And the
fact that she has fanned the flames of mystery so diligently all
these years only goes to confirm that the song is indeed about
someone well-known. She's dropped some hints on occasion, such as
revealing that the name contains the letters A, E, and R, and in
2015 she admitted that the second verse is indeed about Beatty but
that the song addresses two other men as well. Thus like a cruel
game of "Wheel of Fortune", the speculation continues. In 2003,
president of NBC Sports Dick Ebersol won a $50,000
auction in which the prize was the name of the song's subject! WOW,
this must be juicy!
In 2010, Carly released a re-recording of the song in
which she claims that she whispers the first name of the mystery
man backwards. It was confirmed that the name was "David", and it
was immediately reported as fact that the name referred to music
mogul David Geffen, and the whole song stems
from a business dispute. But Carly's camp have denied
it's Geffen. In 2015, Simon confirmed that, while the second
verse was about Warren Beatty, the rest of it isn't. So, the
mystery continues!
But to bring this whole thing back full-circle, in 2013, Taylor Swift claimed that Carly revealed the subject(s) of the song to her.
(Photo via Michel Linssen/Getty Images)
- Katie Marzullo, YH Staff Editor
[email protected]