[This week's Sunday Music Vids come to you from our intrepid guest contributor, lovely Rita "Meter Maid" Korkounian! Enjoy! - Ed.]
Adele Laurie Blue Atkins... my thoughts exactly! Who knew she even had a middle and last name? All I need to say is "Adele" and you will drop everything and listen. On second thought, I don’t even need to say her name. Her three singles speak for themselves: “Rolling In The Deep”, “Someone Like You”, and “Set Fire To The Rain” have secured quite the cozy #1 spot on Billboard’s Hot 100. She even won an Academy Award for her theme to the James Bond film Skyfall. Pretty impressive, right? Most certainly! How about marking territory in the Guinness Book Of World Records? Adele has accomplished that too!
So, what happens when you have Adele’s voice and the perfect break-up record? A TEN-time Grammy Award-winner is what! From her distinct tone and heart-wrenching songs, to her gorgeous looks and oh-so classy image, Adele has become quite the household name! This über-talented, bluesy soul singer exploded onto the scene only a few years ago. She took the music world by storm with each song she released and each note she belted. No flashy dances, costumes, or auto-tune was necessary. All Adele needed to do was open her mouth and her heart and let her powerful instrument take lead.
When I first heard Adele, I was literally flabbergasted! I must have YouTubed every song she had ever performed! I probably went through five kleenex boxes and could’ve watered the lawn with all the tears I shed. I was in awe... as were many, including the biggest names in the business like Madonna and Beyoncé! Simply put, Adele is one of music’s finest, and she has changed the face of pop music!
These days, Adele is taking a little break from making music to concentrate on her life as a mum to 1.5-year-old Angelo, and we can't wait to see what kind of amazing music that motherhood eventually yields! In the meantime, as an early birthday tribute (May 5), let’s listen to some of her greatest hits!
(Photo via Anneke Ruys/WENN)