ICYMI: Trailer Round-Up - Wreck-It Ralph 2, Barry, Harry Potter: Howarts Mystery, & More!

A total mixed bag this week. Take it or leave it, I don’t care if there’s nothing you like but come back next week!
Ralph Breaks The Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 – Being a fan of the first but not a fan of this title, I’m still pretty excited for this on Thanksgiving. I am slightly disappointed, though, that “A Whole New World” didn’t start playing:
The Week Of – Love or hate Adam Sandler, you gotta admire his Netflix work ethic:
"Barry" – About time Bill Hader got his own staring vehicle… and with The Fonz!
"Yellowstone" – A violent Montana ranch story? Makes it look like Montana actually has stuff going on, so why not?
Loving Pablo – While Loving Vincent was my favorite movie last year with the word “Loving” and another man’s name in it, I’ll give this Pablo Esobar story a shot this year:
Chappaquiddick – This title is unnecessarily hard to spell…
"Sweetbitter" – Studies do say that being a restaurant server is more stressful than being a neurosurgeon… I’m not sure if this is getting at that, though:
Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery – Is Snape really anybody’s favorite professor?
(Image via Netflix)
- Kevin Donaldson, YH Contributing Writer