+the scene

EXCLUSIVE: Corbin Bleu Joins the Monsters of Ghost Town at Knott's Scary Farm!

Written by Katie Marzullo. Published: October 21 2014


It’s that time of year again, kids – that oh-so spooky time when you never know what’s around the corner… A ghost? A goblin? A ghoul? A High School Musical star??


Knott’s Berry Farm is currently in the full throes of their annual Knott’s Scary Farm Halloween celebration, and tons of celebrities are getting in on the fun, including actor/singer Corbin Bleu! Transforming himself into a Ghost Town monster (following in the footsteps of his HSM co-star Vanessa Hudgens), Corbin threw himself into the task of scaring the bejeebus out of unsuspecting guests – only to later reveal himself and elicit screams of a less frightening nature!


Check out the EXCLUSIVE video below of Corbin having a blast scaring the kiddies, followed by some great photos of him preparing for his role!


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First task, find the perfect look -- this one should do the trick!
Why, it's like they're old friends already!
Just right -- it really brings out his eyes, don't you think?
A wig completes the look, a voilà! Ready to scare the public!
But first, must make the acquaintance of the other monsters!
And then it's off to put the fright into guests!
The big reveal -- Gotcha!
It's all in good fun, and all in a night's work!


Have YOU been to Knott’s Scary Farm yet this year? Who knows, that might be a celebrity there under that ghoulish mask! WHO'S NEXT?


(Photos via Sean Teegarden)


- Katie Marzullo, YH Staff Editor
