+the scene
David Bowie Meets His Match In New Video!
Written by Katie Marzullo. Published: February 27 2013

WHOA! Just call me Kreskin!
Not even a full month ago, I wrote an article about 8 biopics that
Hollywood should make. One of the wackier suggestions involved a
movie about the androgynous David Bowie in which
he would be portrayed by the androgynous Tilda
Swinton (to be honest, the original idea belongs to writer Sarah Osman – credit where it’s due!). I figure,
hey, if Cate Blanchett can play Bob
Dylan (and get nominated for an Oscar for it!), then this
wouldn’t be as much as a stretch, right?
Okay, so, GET THIS. Only a couple
days ago, Bowie, who recently came out of retirement to drop some
new tunes and a new album, released a music video for his latest
single, “The Stars (Are Out Tonight)”, in which he co-stars with… Tilda Swinton!!!
In this surreal, short film-esque
clip, the two bookends play a stylish couple who appear to be
haunted by… younger versions of themselves? Stalkers? Honestly, I’m
not sure what’s happening here, but there are a lot of guys who
look like girls, and girls who look like guys. A celebration of
androgyny, all culminating in Bowie and Swinton eventually dressed
exactly alike! YES!
Hollywood, let this be Tilda’s
official audition for the David Bowie biopic I pitched last
(Image via David
- Katie Marzullo, YH Staff