An Ode to Moira Rose's Closet

She’s elegant, ferocious, and, most importantly, gothic. Is this in reference to the Bride of Frankenstein? Let’s not be ludicrous. Moira Rose, Schitt’s Creek’s embellishment extraordinaire (played by Emmy winner Catherine O'Hara), has captured the hearts, minds, and bank accounts of the tragically underdressed. She is never less than bold, and always more than expected.
Everything she wears is a brash exclamation, but a few ensembles stand out as character-defining. Let’s take a peek, shall we?
1. The Steampunk Babadook
The comparisons write themselves, really. This ruffled, fish-netted, feathered get-up has Moira looking like Victorian Big Bird, which is both a phrase I never thought I’d write and a search term I feel is going to really explode very shortly. Every inch of her is covered in black, down to her fingerless leather gloves and inches-high heels that dominate the creaky, rotting deck she is gracing with her crooked-postured presence.
2. The Count Olaf
A rare sighting of the Missus Rose in white! As shocking as it is to see her out of her signature black ensemble, Moira pulls off the angelic look just as well as the befitting demonic one. Her intricate necklace (neck piece? neck art?), complete with a black heart and ever-watching eyeball, is somewhat reminiscent of rewards for bravery in battle; she fights the good fight against Jocelyn and her tacky cap-sleeves every day.
3. The Checkered Court Jester
Hear-ye, hear-ye! Schitt’s Creek royalty, coming through. The ostentatious neck ruffle almost eclipses the rest of this outfit, but in perfect Moira fashion, she manages to balance all elements effortlessly. This clown outfit encapsulates her scathing sense of humor and love for the center of attention with panache, promising to turn heads and then make fun of their faces.
Thank you, Moira, for refusing to look ordinary in your plebeian surroundings. While your town is, theoretically, big enough for the two of us, the Blouse Barn is not.