7 Etsy Items for the Ultimate Millennial!

If you are between the ages of 18 and 34, then congratulations, you are a bona fide Millennial! Even though numerically you may fall into this group, it takes much more effort and style to be an ultimate Millennial. You have to be fully plugged into pop culture and the Internet Age, fluent in the hippest lingo, present on social media, and have access to a Netflix account. With that being said, this list is for the meme-loving, phone-obsessed, entertainment junkie that boasts the Millennial title loudly and proudly!
When following a variety of meme-focused Instagram accounts, you begin to notice some reoccurring images being circulated for different memes. Currently, a fan favorite making it’s way through our social media feeds is “Kermit and Inner Kermit”. The “me and also me” meme format is one of the most relatable out there, showing the comical difference between our inner thoughts and outward expressions. The humorous image of Kermit looking at his darker self in the mirror will effectively distract from the bad hair day you are most likely hiding. Plus, dad caps are now considered sporty and stylish. It’s a win-win.
Somewhere along the way, Internet-talk and in-person dialogue began to intermix. So, even though saying "hashtag" in the real world means virtually nothing, it’s still fun and we still say it — often. Luckily, a seller on Etsy who knows the Millennial soul, created custom hashtag signs. You can hang this anywhere in your home and it can say anything you want: hashtag-amazing!
Since mugs usually hold our morning coffee, we mostly use them when we are feeling groggy and, honestly, a little grumpy. So, sometimes a good laugh is crucial to the getting-ready process. Nothing says “good morning” quite as well as a funny quote. We all grew up on Britney Spears, so we know her comeback is truly inspirational. It’s just the morning motivation we all need.
This is a very honest piece of wall art. A charming cabin in the woods can offer a relaxing break from the real world, but after a day or so, you’ll be asking “Where da Wi-Fi at doe??” The photo is a truly authentic representation of the Millennial’s love affair with the Internet. We can never leave it, and we think about it when it’s not around. It’s actually pretty romantic...
Comfy is the new black. So, these oversized, roomy denim jackets are a perfect staple piece for a cool Internet babe. Wear your Millennial title for all to see, or check out one of the other hip jackets that are also conducive to the Millennial brand — like her custom chalkboard jacket. Nothing says “Millennial” quite like a jacket that actually says “Millennial”.
Be the Instagram Queen of your dreams with this selfie ring light. Yes, it’s a little obnoxious, and people might stare at you when you use it, but it will be worth it when the "likes" begin pour in. The light illuminates your face, making documenting yourself at dark concerts and snap-chatting while watching Netflix easier and clearer.
Personalized Necklace with Your Twitter Username
Wear your social media handle wear it belongs — close to your heart. This necklace serves as a walking advertisement for your Twitter feed; your timely tweets on life, love, and celebrity feuds deserve to be seen. It’s both stylish and productive for gaining social media stardom.
Since Etsy features both vintage and handmade items, there’s an abundance of cool knickknacks made for and by Millennials. This list is a good starting point, but there’s much more to weed through as well, and it’s worth it!
(Image via Mario Mitsis/WENN)
- Taylor Carter, YH Contributing Writer