5 Strange (But Secretly Fierce?) Current Makeup Trends!

In most recent makeup looks, we’ve seen the squiggle brows. The carefully drawn look can best be seen as a replacement to the feather eyebrow trend we saw earlier this year.
Beauty blogger Promise Tamang has been credited for starting the trend after her picture on her Instagram page went viral.
And if that wasn’t enough wiggles for you, the wavy lips trend has now followed. While this look may be a little far-fetched and not completely business appropriate, who’s to say you can’t rock the look on a night out in the town? This look definitely screams creativity and exploration. Okay, okay. So maybe you won’t wear this look out in public… but it would definitely be something fun to mess around with on a rainy day!
If you’re really feeling up to it, might as well take the squiggle brow and wavy lip look to the next level and turn your whole face into a swirl!
All of this beauty talk has gotten me hungry…. For some Taco Bell-inspired makeup!
Yep, you heard me. If you have an undying love for burritos and chalupas, now you can express that right on your face. People are taking their inspiration from any food off the menu, and the logo itself. Using gold glitter, bright pops of color, and shades of blue and green, the challenge has been daring people to use colors outside their comfort zones.
If that doesn’t make you want to eat every last bite, maybe you’ll want to lick the plate clean after this next one.
One of the newest trends to the market is the glitter tongue trend…. Seems practical, right? Australian makeup artist Jacinta Vukovic accidentally created glitter tongue when some sparkles mistakenly got onto her tongue during the creation of a metallic lip look. But PLEASE remember to use edible glitter -- you can get that anywhere from a makeup store to the baking aisle. Stomach aches and constipation have been the biggest side effects from this trend! (And you definitely don’t want to jump on that train!)
If you do happen to get a stomach ache, have no fear! Storybook Cosmetics is releasing a Care Bears makeup collection in early 2018 -- which means you can cuddle away your tummy problems by applying a layer to your face! The collab was confirmed just before September 9th, which is the annual Care Bears holiday, dubbed “Share your Care Day.”
While these all seem a bit to the extreme, we all know tomorrow (and the day after that, and the day after that) will bring their own exciting new looks and trends.
Which one would you be brave enough to try?
(Image via Kelsey Alfred/YouTube)
- Ali Reid, YH Contributing Writer