3 Clothing Brands Built By Young People With Positive Messages!

Positive messages are needed around us more than ever these days. We love a good meme, or a positive quote, and these brands are taking positive messages and turning it into a business, through clothes and lifestyle. These brands have gotten notice from some really cool Hollywood celebrities too. Read on if you like to wear cool clothes with positive messages, or looking for some cool Christmas gift ideas for your socially-conscious friends and fam!
1. Habits 365
Eli Ziedis is headed to college, but the young entrepreneur started his clothing line in high school. He is CEO of his fashion brand HABITS 365. His apparel company namesake, Habits 365, believes you are your habits, and that your habits will determine your success.
In 2017, following a summer business and marketing program, Ziedis developed a concept for a lifestyle brand that everyone could relate to and that would also motivate and challenge them. He came up with Habits 365 to emphasize positive daily habits all year round. They have been able to partner with influencers such as James Harden, Floyd Mayweather, Lamar Jackson, Da Baby, Giannis Antetokounmpo, Ja Morant, Lil Baby, Trae Young, and Dwyane Wade, just to name a few.
South Philly teen Trey Brown started SPERGO, a lifestyle clothing brand focused on empowering and inspiring people to pursue their ambitions. He is no stranger to his south Philly community experiencing violence. He created SPERGO to keep him and his friends off the streets. SPERGO has sold over 5,000 products nationally and internationally since lauching.
Trey says SPERGO is a high-quality designer clothing, using the best fabrics for women, men, and children. He is still in school, his mom is a school teacher, and education is a priority in his home. This helps him balance school and running a business as a teen. Celebrities like Meek Mill, Diddy, and Tierra Whack have worn his SPERGO.
This young teen actor, named Ayden Mekus, started his brand Positive Choice Apparel after he was bullied in school. Ayden and his mom came up with an idea to do custom tees to create anti-bullying messages.
You may ask where this teen gets his drive to be a young entrepreneur -- he gives his parents the credit for passing it on to him. He is a young actor who landed some acting roles at age 12, and they used funds from his acting career to build the business behind Positive Choice Apparel to help reduce bullying in schools.
His favorite motivational quote is from Steve Jobs: “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.”