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2 Underrated Halloween Movies You Can Watch For Free on YouTube Right Now!

Written by Ariel Byrns. Published: October 11 2022


Spooky Season is finally here! That means pumpkin spice lattes, reading goosebump-inducing novels, and cozying up on the couch to watch your favorite Halloween movies. Everyone has a movie that they consider to be their favorite: Halloweentown, Hocus Pocus, and Nightmare Before Christmas are some of our fave seasonal classics! But there are so many more spooky masterpieces that have been overshadowed by time. Thankfully, YouTube has upgraded their free movie pool to include some old spooky movies that were classics at the time of their release, but are now difficult to find on a Top 10 Halloween Movies list. If you’re looking to expand your Halloween horizons and maybe discover a new old favorite, this list is for you! 


1. Elvira's Haunted Hills (2001)

This film takes place in the 1800s and follows the iconic Elvira and her maid, who are traveling to Paris. At one of the stops along the way, they meet a professor who invites them to stay at a medieval castle. As Elvira explores the castle by nightfall, she discovers an unsettling fact: her close resemblance with the "missing" wife of the Count that resides there. While viewers follow Elvira on a sitting-at-the-edge-of-your-seat mystery, the horror of the castle unfolds into a comedic exposition. Through the blending of horror elements and comedy, Elvira's Haunted Hills serves as a not-so-spooky, atmospheric, campy film that you’ll want to watch again and again. If you’re not yet convinced, this film’s creator was heavily inspired by Rocky Horror Picture Show. You know that means: Costumes! There are some absolute gems of outfits on display throughout the film, making it the perfect one to watch in preparation for Halloween costume shopping!




2. Teen Wolf (1985)

The OG that inspired the MTV series years later, this film follows Scott McCall (Michael J. Fox) as he goes through "changes", as every teenager does. But instead of his voice changing or developing sweaty palms like some of his other classmates did when going through puberty, he is slowly turning into a werewolf. Not sure how to hide his condition from his classmates, Scott desperately ends up disclosing this information to his best friend, who manages to turn his wolfish condition into a popularity magnet. Viewers follow Scott as he struggles with handling his newfound popularity in connection to his "hairy" problem. This film is jam-packed with cheesy '80s goodness and is the perfect, silly coming-of-age film to have on as you carve your pumpkins this year!