Rihanna takes Work to the top for 14th number one

Rihanna has taken her 14th hit to the top of the Billboard charts.
The R&B star's new single Work takes her past Michael Jackson and puts her third on the list for the most number ones behind the Beatles and Mariah Carey.
The singer also debuted two videos for the new track on Monday
(22Feb16); in one, she dances around for collaborator Drake wearing
a mini-skirt and a sheer top, revealing her naked breasts.
Rihanna's latest chart-topper extends a drought for Americans
hitting the number one spot on the Billboard Hot 100 countdown -
nine 'foreigners' have scored successive number ones. They include
Canadian Justin Bieber and Brit Adele.
Bieber's Love Yourself drops a spot to two on the new chart, while
Twenty One Pilots' Stressed Out falls to three, and Bieber's Sorry
and My House by Flo Rida round out the top five.