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Halle Berry vomited after space simulator ride
Written by . Published: July 05 2014
Actress Halle Berry threw up after trying out a zero-gravity flight as she prepared to play an astronaut in new sci-fi series Extant.
The Monster's Ball star portrays a pregnant space traveler in Steven Spielberg's new TV drama, and she admits her first experience of weightlessness left her feeling more than a little queasy.
She tells Us Weekly magazine, "I took a zero-gravity flight. An
hour and a half of plummeting up and down - I vomited at the
But Berry, who has two kids, insists she had no problem pulling off
the role of a mom-to-be.
She says, "I know how to act pregnant, so I thought, 'I'm going to
ace that part of this for sure'. And I love being pregnant - that's
the happiest I've been in my life!"