Daniel Radcliffe clears up saucy Harry Potter rumor

Daniel Radcliffe has spoken out to spare his blushes amid embarrassing reports that he frequently masturbated on the set of the Harry Potter films.
The British actor discussed his sex life in an interview with Playboy magazine last month (Oct15), sparking a rumor that he relieved the boredom while shooting the wizard movies by pleasuring himself in his trailer.
However, Radcliffe has now revisited the sensitive subject to clear
up any confusion and insist he did not get up to anything so saucy
on the set.
He tells Britain's NME magazine, "It's frustrating when you tell a
story and say, 'Yes, I w**ked a lot when I was a teenager,' but
clearly I didn't mean on set. Can you make this clear for me: I was
not w**king during filming of Potter - I managed to restrain myself
until I got home."
The embarrassing rumor spread after Radcliffe agreed to discuss
with a Playboy journalist the subject of masturbation and said, "I
think I started very early - before my teens. But not when I was on
set. It would have been embarrassing to walk back on set and look
the dignitaries of British acting royalty in the eye, knowing what
I'd been doing!"