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TV FROM AROUND THE WORLD: "Plan Coeur/The Hookup Plan" (France)

Written by Devon Forward. Published: August 20 2019


There are so many good rom-coms on TV right now, and France is following the same trend. Looking for a new one to binge? Try the Netflix original series from France, “The Hookup Plan” (“Plan Coeur” in French)!


The show is about a young woman named Elsa who just can’t seem to get over her ex. It’s been 2 years since she’s gone on a date, and she’s still sending her ex, Max, drunk texts. You see, Elsa is beautiful and awkward, but completely, unabashedly herself. She may not be that great at relationships, but at least she knows it. 


But when she has one too many rough nights out, Elsa’s best friends Charlotte and Emilie get worried about her. Charlotte goes a step further, deciding to take the matter into her own hands. 




Charlotte gets the brilliant idea to, without Elsa knowing, hire an escort to take her friend out and essentially be her perfect man for a few dates. When Elsa finally accepts the date from this amazing “Mr. Right”, who tells her his name is Jules Dupont, it goes pretty well, but she doesn’t invite him up to her place after. Taking it slow, and I respect that. A few days later, she tells her friend she’s going to give Jules another try, calling him perfect. 


But here’s the issue with the plan: Yes, this made-up “Jules Dupont” may help Elsa get over Max, but what if she falls in love with him, a man who doesn’t technically exist?!


Check out the series streaming on Netflix if you like shows like“Jane the Virgin”, “Crazy Ex-Girlfriend”, “New Girl”, “Love”, and see what happens with Elsa and Jules!