Remembering the True Meaning of No-Shave November!
We've reached the halfway point into November, and we’ve seen a ton of faces full of hair! I mean, hey, I don’t mind; scruff and beards can make any man hotter than if he had a clean-shaven face. My favorite hairy face is Zac Efron’s...his beautiful luscious hair just makes his light blue eyes pop even more (sigh)... Okay sorry, where was I? Oh yes! Guys, I know you probably think your sexy facial hair is just a fashion trend, but let's not forget that No-Shave November was originally created to raise awareness for the devastating disease, cancer.
The non-profit No-Shave November was created in 2009 by Rebecca Hill and Bret Ringdahl, who wanted to figure out a way for anyone -- regardless of age, gender, or income level -- to raise awareness and money to fight cancer, and to have a little fun doing it! Just last year, the company partnered with the American Cancer Society. The goal of No-Shave November is to grow awareness by embracing our hair, which many, if not all, cancer patients lose during their fights. People are urged to feel grateful for the hair they have by donating the money they would have spent on razors and shaving cream to the cancer charities of their choosing. The idea of it is simple: educate about cancer prevention, save lives, and aid those fighting the battle.

Women, I don’t want to hear any excuses, because you can get involved too! Let your legs get mangly and skip your routine wax appointment. It’s for a good cause! If you’re particular and aren’t ready to grow out some hair, then donate.
Sounds easy right? No excuses, people!!! None!
So, get to it! Happy November and happy growing!