+the scene
Rebecca Black: Tween Genius?
Written by Katie Marzullo. Published: March 21 2011

It’s been quite
a week for Rebecca Black. You know, the one where
Friday comes after Thursday and before Saturday? And it might only
get better from here, thanks to an endorsement from none other than Simon Cowell.
Hot off a viral
deluge focused on her personally-financed single and music video,
“Friday”, the aspiring 13-year-old singer has been fending off
haters left and right who have dubbed her snappy ditty about the
best day of the week as the “worst ever.”
My question for
many of those Negative Nellies would be: Could you do better?
My guess:
probably not.
Say what you
will, but Rebecca Black has brass cajones, and she's swingin'em.
She is putting it all out there, and you know what? As long as
you’re paying attention and talking about it, it’s all good. During
a recent appearance on “Good Morning America” (yeah,
haters, when was the last time YOU were on GMA??), she smiled
charmingly as some of the comments about her video were read to
her. In response to one comment that her “awful” song was stuck in
the commenter’s head, Rebecca kept it positive and said, “I think
that’s an accomplishment, you know? Even a person who doesn’t like
it, it’s gonna be stuck in their head!” True that. Rebecca also
humbly stated, “I don’t think I’m the worst singer, but I don’t
think I’m the best singer.” She demonstrated this by singing the
National Anthem a cappella, and I have to say, she is pretty
decent! I’m thinking “Friday” doesn’t do her proper justice.
But, best or
worst, she’s got some serious back-up in her corner. Simon Cowell
was recently quoted as saying that he considered Miss Black a
“genius” and that “Anyone who can create this much controversy
within a week, I want to meet. I love people like that.” Take that
phone call, Rebecca!!!
Here's the
deal, you guys -- "Friday" is a song written by a tween for a
tween. It's perfectly age-appropriate and reflects the everyday
sentiments of a 13-year-old girl. So, why all the fuss? What should
she be singing about, getting drunk and hooking up with high school
guys? No thanks. It's a kid being a kid singing about kid things. I
wish I could go back to a simpler time when my biggest dilemma of
the day was deciding if I should sit in the front seat or the back
And it would be
easier to rag on Rebecca Black if she was a hopelessly self-unaware
dimwit, but the truth could not be more to the contrary. Anyone who
has seen the GMA interview or has been following her Twitter feed has to give the girl props for her good
sportsmanship. A lesser person would be crying themselves to sleep
every night into their Edward Cullen body pillow (or maybe that's
just me). But this is one shrewd ‘tween, folks. She is plenty aware
of her trending topic-worthy status right now, and she is riding
the wave along with everyone else, keeping a smile on her face and
her head held high. She will be back, and she knows you’ll listen!
Even if it’s on a Monday.
If you haven’t
seen it yet… where have you been?? Well, anyway, check out “Friday”
below. You know you’ll be singing this into your hairbrush as you
get ready to go out this weekend…
30 million
views and counting don’t lie. Go on and get it, girlfriend!
(Image via
Rebecca Black/YouTube)
- Katie
Marzullo, YH Staff Editor