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Everything You Need To Know About “Shadow and Bone” Season 2!

Written by AnnMary Mailyan. Published: February 23 2023


in just a few weeks, we’ll finally get to witness the new adventures of our beloved characters of the Grishaverse, as the second season of the popular "Shadow and Bone" series premieres on March 16 on Netflix. The full trailer for the season recently came out, so now we can catch a glimpse of all the monsters, dangerous schemes, and new characters awaiting us behind the fourth wall. So, while we’re waiting for the significant day (don’t forget - March 16!), let’s have a peek of the new season, shall we?




1. Where Did We Leave Off?

In case you’ve already forgotten how the first season ended, let’s have a quick recap. In the final episode, General Kirigan (Ben Barnes) captured Alina (Jessie Mei Li) and used her power to expand the Fold, instead of destroying it, just like he initially promised to. Luckily, Alina took control of her power, and with the help of her friends and some very mysterious strangers (aka our favorite Crows), managed to get rid of Kirigan and take the ship out of the Fold. Since the world believes that the Sun Summoner died in the Fold (just like Kirigan), Alina and Mal (Archie Renaux) decided to leave Ravka and “become ghosts” until Alina becomes strong enough to finish what she started. As for the Crows, the big trio is heading back to Ketterdam to pay all their debts. Nina (Danielle Galligan) and Matthias (Calahan Skogman) are also on the same ship, as Nina falsely accused the witch-hunter of being a slaver in order to save him from other Grisha. 



2. When Does The Story Take Place?

Since the TV show is an adaptation of Leigh Bardugo’s Shadow and Bone book trilogy (and includes the main characters and plot from the Six of Crows duology), Season 2 will most probably cover the second book of the series called Siege and Storm. It follows the story of its predecessor right away, so there won’t be a big time-gap between two seasons.



3. Who Are The New Characters In Season 2?

You may have probably noticed a few new faces in the trailer, and if you aren’t a huge Grishaverse fan who’s read all the books of both series, you definitely need some proper introduction. Meet Alina’s new allies -- Tamar Kir-Bataar (Anna Leong Brophy) and Tolya Yul-Bataar (Lewis Tan), badass twin Grisha Heartrenders who work under Prince Nikolai Lantsov (Patrick Gibson). Speaking of whom, we’ll finally get to meet the charismatic and sarcastic future King of Ravka (who uses the alias of privateer Sturmhond) in the new season as well. Last but not least, the Crows will get their whole team together, with the last member of the gang appearing in the second season. We’re talking about Wylan Van Eck (Jack Wolfe), a runaway son of a wealthy merchant from Ketterdam, who is great with chemsitry and bomb-making. 




4. What Will Happen In The New Season?

Now that we’re all set with the introduction with the new characters, let’s move on to the plot. The first thing we see in the trailer is Alina, who’s surrounded by the Fold, the Darkling (aka General Kirigan), and the new monsters he created from shadow. Alina realizes that the Darkling is now more dangerous than ever, as nothing seems to beat his army. She and Mal join Prince Nikolai, and together they try to make a plan of tearing down the Fold and killing Kirigan. A significant part of the plan includes finding Morozova’s two other amplifiers -- the Sea Whip and the Firebird -- because without them, the Sun Summoner isn’t powerful enough to fight Kirigan. Together with their new crew, they go on a difficult yet fascinating journey. Why fascinating? Have you seen Nikolai’s ship taking off and flying in the sky? Believe us, that doesn’t happen too often in the Grishaworld. 


Throughout the trailer, we see a bunch of old characters as well: Genya and David have finally seemed to confess their feeling to each other, Baghra tells Alina about the amplifiers, Zoya fights along with Inej, while Nadia has joined Nikolai’s team and is helping Alina.


What about the Crows? Well, they never stay out of trouble, so naturally they’ve found themselves new enemies to fight and old debts to pay. In one of the scenes, we see Matthias fighting in the Hellgate (a prison in Ketterdam), while Nina is trying to get him out of there along with the rest of the crew. Meanwhile, Wylan has settled with Kaz, Inej, and Jesper well enough, as they were fighting side-by-side. In another scene, we can spot Kaz with Nikolai, so hopefully we’ll get to see all the cool characters from both books forming one big team to fight the Darkling and his army. 


Some fans were expecting to see the plot from Six of Crows somehow intertwined with the main story, but show creator Eric Heisserer denied those rumors, so most likely we’re going to discover how they formed their legendary gang and maybe some flashbacks from their tragic childhood. And fingers crossed, one day we’ll have a spin-off based on the duology. But until that lucky day arrives, we still have an important mission to do: destroy the Fold. Well, at least watch it get destroyed. And remember, no mourners, no funerals!