Definitive Girl Scout Cookies Ranking!

Girl Scout cookie season, AKA the best time of the year.When little kids run around selling some of the best desserts known to humankind and we all lose a bit of money and gain a bit of weight.
We’re now coming to the end of this year's Girl Scout cookie season and, as usual, there’s been a lot of discourse about which cookie is the best. (Unless you're Chrissy Teigen, who thinks they're all bad apparently...)
As a self-appointed cookie expert, I’ve decided to share my hot takes in this definitive Girl Scout cookie ranking — spoiler alert: Thin Mint fans might want to sit this one out.
6. Girl Scout S’mores
The Girl Scout S’mores cookies are unequivocally the worst cookies they’ve got. You’d think anything based on s’mores would be delicious, but these cookies do not live up to their real counterparts. S’mores need to be melty and warm — but even heating up these cookies do not improve them (it wasn’t one of my best ideas, but I figured if you can freeze Thin Mints, you can heat up Girl Scout S’mores).
If you’re thinking about trying these ones, I’d suggest you buy a different box of cookies instead.
5. Trefoils
Trefoils, or shortbread cookies, are actually pretty decent... when you’re dipping them in your tea.
When they’re by themselves, they’re just a bit bland and dry. But if you’re a big tea drinker and are looking for something to snack on with your afternoon cuppa, these are definitely the cookies for you!
4. Thin Mints
We’ve now arrived at one of my most controversial Girl Scout cookie opinions. Thin Mints just aren’t that great.They basically make you feel like you just ate chocolate after brushing your teeth, and who wants that weird taste in their mouth?
I will say that freezing Thin Mints greatly improves their flavor, but I firmly believe that you shouldn’t have to modify a cookie to make it great. Therefore, Thin Mints do not crack the top three for me.
3. Tag-Alongs
Tag-Alongs combine two of the best things: peanut butter and chocolate.
Neither flavor is too overwhelming in these cookies and it’s a decent, safe choice — unless you have a nut allergy.
2. Samoas
Samoas are a popular favorite amongst many; they’re chocolatey, crunchy, and the caramel & coconut make them even more unique.
You really can’t go wrong by picking up a box of Samoas!
1. Lemon-Ups
I know most people wouldn’t let Lemon-Ups, the new flavor, even come close to being number one. But Lemon-Ups are definitely the best Girl Scout cookie.
They’re lemony but not too lemony, perfectly sweet, and refreshing. Not to mention, they have cute little positive sayings on them to brighten up your day even more!
Lemon-Ups are the best Girl Scout cookie and I will fight anyone who says differently!
How do YOU rank Girl Scout Cookies? Tweet us your list!