+the scene
Chatting with the Marvelous Lil Mama!
Written by . Published: June 21 2011

exclaiming how her “lip gloss is poppin’” and subtly teaching a
life lesson, Lil Mama released only a few more
hits like “Shawty Get Loose”, featuring T-Pain and Chris Brown, before taking her rightful place as a
Judge on MTV’s "America’s Best Dance Crew" in 2008. After three
years and six seasons, Lil Mama (born Niatia Jessica Kirkland) is
stepping out from behind the chair and back into the studio,
hooking up with other musical heavy hitters and inviting us along
on her journey for unforgettable experience.
I found
it a little difficult to call her "Lil Mama" while speaking
with her; I felt like I was speaking to a wiser and more mature
peer. Our mere three year age difference felt much wider, but
thanks to her cool, calm, and collected demeanor -- characteristics
she emulates through her music, dance, reality show paneling, and
obviously on speaker phone with a total stranger -- I thoroughly
enjoyed our conversation as she spoke on being a voice, her future,
her father, and her inspirations.
YH: Tell us about why you introduce yourself as “the
voice of the youth.” Where did it come from, and what does it mean
to you?
LM: Being the
voice of the youth is just being a voice of a whole new generation.
How can I explain it? Okay, for every person that roams this
Universe, there is a part of your youth that still lives with you,
whether that is your artist, whether it is your love, your family,
whatever it might be... There are things that we carry with us
from youth because that’s the essential time of knowing who you
are, and knowing what you like. To know who you are is key; it is
the key point. And just being a voice of the young people is
basically sharing the voice of me and the voice of the youth.
love that because you are giving people at different ages a chance
to embrace their youth. There is that whole idea that once you get
a certain age, you’ve got to act that age, but we all embody that
youthful spirit.
LM: Oh yeah,
most definitely. A perfect example of the voice of the young people
is the Dallas Mavericks. You have these men who were saying “oooh,
he’s pushing 40, he’s in his 30s, and he won't be able to make it,
he wont be able to break through Lebron.” And
these guys prevailed. That’s a perfect example of the youth and
someone really shinning.
You’re 21... Do you feel really mature for your age?
LM: People
always tell me that. [laughs] I have always been how I am,
so it’s not really weird to me.
Even when we first started to get to know you, when you were
about 17, you seemed really mature.
LM: Thank you,
I really appreciate that. I can see why you would say that. That’s
probably why my mother and my aunt named me "Mama".
YH: How
old were you when you first got that nickname?
LM: I was an
infant actually; that’s the funny part. And I was really chunky. I
was born at 9 pounds and 13 ounces. They would say I looked like
Ol’ Mama from the train -- an old lady, chunky, and the name kind
of stuck with me. When I turned about two, they were like, “Well,
the name fits.” [laughs]
heard in an interview once that your first love is dancing; is that
LM: My first
love is music. Incorporated with that is definitely my voice and my
body. I love to express myself through music. I love singing, I
love rapping. I think rapping came along the way. Singing and
dancing was always a part of me, and then the rap part just came
further down the line. Not too far -- at age 13, I was writing
poetry. At about 10 or 11, I transformed into a musician like going
into the studio and actually practicing my art. So, I’ve always
loved music, and it had its way with creeping up on my

YH: How
did you first get involved with getting into a studio? At what
point were you invited into a studio to do your
LM: My mother
was always recording at the time, so I would watch her, and my dad,
as a recording artist working on music, hip hop, and R&B, rap
mainly. When I was about 10, I got into the studio with my dad, and
I was showing him that I write lyrics and poetry and told him that
I could rap. He believed in me, got me in the studio to see how
many hours I could take and how much hard work I was willing to put
in, and I just started to grow. "Wow, she really has something
here" is what they thought, and so they just stayed behind me and I
just kept going until you guys were able to experience the next
What are some of your inspirations when it comes to your music --
rap, especially, as you are from New York?
LM: I was born
in the birthplace of rap. I have lived in different places around
the world, and the atmosphere of New York is just so epic. You see
it in the movies, you see it in the throwback sounds, but to
experience it is just another beast. I come from the hood, the
rough areas of New York City; East New York, Brooklyn, and Harlem,
New York, and it’s crazy. You are forced to grow up and be mature
at an early age, and you have to choose what parts of maturity you
are going to take on. I stuck to my love, which is music, my craft,
and grew up that way. Others choose different ways and that’s just
what New York City does to you, baby.
Back to the new music that you are working on -- a project where
you are putting out singles; not really an official album,
What would we call that?
LM: I guess you
would call it The Experience... Because it is sort of like
experiencing an artist's growth in that time. What are they
bringing, what do they have, and letting it count for that much, as
opposed to promises. Instead of building on promises, it is
building on actions. I want my fans to get the opportunity to
experience music.
What is your personal view on how music has changed since you first
released “Lip Gloss” [in 2007]?
LM: Music is
just steadily evolving with new sounds, and I just feel like there
is always room for people to grow and come with a new and fresh
energy. And that’s what has been happening from everybody. T-Pain
came with his sound and it worked, and it was like, wow, that’s
great! Gaga came with her sound and it worked,
then Young Money artists like Drake and Nicki Minaj. Then Katy Perry, and Justin Bieber doin’ his thing singing R&B, and
I just think that is the most blissful part of being an artist,
because you get to come with something fresh.
YH: How
has your sound changed since 2008?
LM: Since 2008,
my sound has changed in so many different elements and it's all in
the experience itself. There are different styles that just float
off of me naturally, and out of my body naturally, but in a very
fun way. My tempo hasn’t really changed too much; I am just so
active and ready to party.
Would you say your music has matured just because you have as
LM: Maybe. It’s
all how it is received, you know? I give it, and you receive
it. Sometimes in life we receive things that we may not understand
how it was given, but we find our own way to understand
YH: You
have the new single "NYNYLALA" with Snoop; who else can we expect
to hear you collaborate with?
LM: I guess you
just have to stay tuned in to The Experience. It's about timing,
it’s all about what the artist is giving at that time. I don’t even
have an album in the works. I am just working on music and allowing
you guys to be a part of it.
YH: Let
me talk to you a little bit about your fashion sense. Like your
music, it has changed since we were first introduced to you. What
inspires you fashion-wise?
LM: Being
young. Being bold. Being futuristic, you know, fearless. That’s
what drives me in fashion; from when I wore a binky on the MTV red
carpet to whatever. Whatever my choice was, it’s just how I am
feeling. Right now, I’m feeling so young, feeling so bold, and I am
feeling so futuristic that I guess my fashion is a picture. It’s
proof of how I feel. I enjoy life!
When you say that you are feeling futuristic, what do you mean?
You’re gonna take us somewhere we have never been
LM: I’m feeling
out of here, you know what I mean? Like, what do I do with
these Earthlings? [laughs] Do you know what I mean? If you
guys want to experience the solar system and understand the
Universe, then you’ve gotta follow me. So, I guess I have to take
you somewhere you have never been before.

YH: So,
who are you listening to right now?
LM: I am
listening to a lot of my dad... My dad’s name is Tru, and he
is just so amazing. He’s helped me improve so much. Not having a
mom, and just having a dad now, that whole experience, listening
twice as much, he’s great.
What are some words you can share to aspiring
LM: Well, I can
start by saying that "America’s Best Dance Crew" Season 6, the
Season of Superstars, which we just wrapped, was a really inspiring
show for me, because we had a young group on the show called the ICONic Boyz. We also have our Season 6 champions I aM mE, along with a list of other talented
groups that appeared on the show -- Street Kingdom and many more. I was inspired by ICONic Boyz, I was inspired by I
aM mE being the finalists and leaving with that breath of fresh
energy that "I am me and being me is great; being me is enough",
because being me is more than enough, and to be iconic and just to
have that energy of an icon, to have the respect of an icon, in
whatever you do in life, it just feels so good. I am just inspired
by life and inspired by being able to express myself and to be
understood. So, whatever it is that you are doing with your life,
be great, be positive, and just be the best at it, because you are
you, and nobody else can play that role better.
Check out Lil
Mama’s “Dough Boy” music video featuring Mishon:
...And her hot
single featuring Snoop Dogg “NYNYLALA”. (THIS SONG IS AWESOME)
(Images via
- Kellyé
West, YH Staff