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8 Other Useful Things You Can Get With a Library Card Than Just Books!

Written by Noelle Henderson. Published: August 20 2024


Everyone has access to a local library. We learn about all the resources we have at libraries in elementary school, yet only about 60% of residents aged 16 and up have library cards. After New York City Public Libraries received budget cuts and were forced to close on Sundays, residents have been encouraged to get a library card and utilize their resources. Your local library has way more than just books -- Here are a few things you can access with a library card!


1. Free Courses

Many libraries offer complimentary classes in various areas, from English Classes to Photography. If you want to take up a new hobby or gain a new skill to help you at work or school, check to see what classes your local library offers. 


2. Workshops

Libraries also host a variety of workshops, similar to the free courses. These workshops, which cover various topics, are typically held a few times and are great resources. Check with your local library for upcoming seminars. Since these workshops only meet once, no commitment is required. These can be an excellent option for students or anyone without free time to learn something new or strengthen a skillset or hobby.


3. Volunteer Opportunities

Looking to give back to your community? Check to see if your local library needs volunteers! Frequently, libraries offer free tutoring services to students in the area. You could be a great fit if you excel in Math, Science, English, or any grade school subject! This is also a great way to gain volunteer hours for your school and future college and job applications.


4. Author Talks

Are you a fan of a specific author or filmmaker? Check out your local library events to see if there will be any public readings or signings! If you can’t find an author you're a fan of, this could be an excellent opportunity to discover new authors and books! If you want to become an author yourself, this is a great way to meet published authors and network with them!


5. Film Screenings

Did you know libraries host film screenings? Typically, these are not the screenings where the entire cast comes out to answer questions, but they often show older films and many classics — some educational, some genuinely entertaining. This is a great way to see a movie with friends or family on a budget. If you live in areas like New York City or Los Angeles, libraries sometimes host screenings with Q&A sessions to follow. It's worth checking out.


6. Creative Spaces

Some libraries offer creative spaces to borrow cameras, musical instruments, and sewing machines. Every library is different; some offer more than others, but if you need to patch holes in your favorite sweater or pants, check to see if you can access a sewing machine near your library. You may find that you have access to things you never thought possible.


7. Museums

Some libraries allow you to access nearby museums with your card! New York City Public Libraries do this through a program called Culture Pass. You can access over 100 cultural institutions across all 5 boroughs with your library card. Other cities, like Washington DC, offer a similar Summer program. This is a great way to spend a free day out whenever you're in your local city.


8. Audiobooks

No, not the CD audiobooks that you can only play with a CD player or radio. These are online audiobooks! With the Libby app, you can import your library card information and access over 100 audiobooks for free! Like a library, there are only so many copies, meaning there will be the occasional waitlist to access some books. But if you’re in no rush to read a book offered on Libby, it’s worth the wait.


Each library offers different resources depending on its location. Look up your local library to learn how to get a library card and what you can do with it!