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7 Ways To Beat The Heat This Summer!

Written by Noelle Henderson. Published: July 05 2024


The Dog Days of Summer are officially here, and the heat waves all over the country have had people struggling to go about their days. With humidity only worsening in some parts of the country this Summer, having a plan to combat the warmer days is essential to stay as comfortable as possible. Here are some things I wish I had done during the recent New York City heat wave that you can add to your itinerary and daily routine for the next one(s)!


1. Head to the beach!

It's a top-notch strategy for dealing with a heat wave. If you're lucky to live near a beach or coast, you're in for a treat. The ocean's proximity offers a significant cool-down compared to a park. Beach outings are an excellent way to enjoy the outdoors and nature, and the Vitamin D from the sun has remarkable health benefits for your body and mood. Plus, a refreshing swim can be a balm during a hot spell.


2. No beach? Pool!

The pool isn’t the beach by a long shot, but swimming can be a great way to exercise outside when it is too hot to run. Whether it’s an indoor pool at a gym or sports facility, an outdoor pool at a community center or hotel, a community pool at your apartment building, or a private pool, even a quick dip can relieve the humidity. Receive the same health benefits from the beach at the pool without getting sand in your bag (or other places)!


3. AC!

When the heat becomes unbearable, consider spending time in local air-conditioned spots. Whether it's a cozy cafe, a quiet library, or a charming shop, these places offer a comfortable respite from the sweltering heat. You can explore new spots in your neighborhood and meet new people, support local businesses, or even get a library card for free!


4. Cold showers!

If you are unable to do any of the previously listed things, taking a cold shower after getting home from a long and hot day is sometimes all you need to feel good. Rinse your face and body of all the sweat and oil and finally feel refreshed. There’s no need to stand in your shower uncomfortable for 5 to 10 minutes, but a quick minute or two could be all you need to feel refreshed!


5. Put on some sunscreen and go outside!

Going from place to place can sometimes be more uncomfortable than spending the day outside. If you don’t have an AC in your home, it tends to be hotter inside than outside. Find a blanket and go to a park! Sit in the shade with some water and embrace the warmth.


6. Eat cool foods!

Sometimes, the best thing to do is have a cold sandwich or salad for lunch over pasta, and an iced coffee over a hot coffee. Going out to a restaurant to enjoy time with yourself or some friends is great, but being mindful of meals that are served warm will only make the heat feel worse. Focus on eating food that will make you feel refreshed rather than stuffed.



Invest in a reusable water bottle. Whether it’s made for your car or carried by hand or in a purse, find something you like and want to drink out of. A reusable water bottle can significantly increase your water intake compared to a regular glass or a one-time plastic water bottle. Not only are they great for the environment, but they also keep your water cold longer!


Be safe out there, guys!