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6 Films By European Directors To Watch This Fall/Winter!

Written by Tori Raphael. Published: October 24 2023
(Photo: Sony Pictures)


Are you tired of watching American movies? Well, if so, here is the perfect list for you! Whether it's straight from the Cannes Film Festival in France, streaming, or arthouse cinema, there are plenty of new European films coming out for you to watch this Fall and Winter! Here is a list of the most well-received and anticipated European films to look forward to while you drink your British tea!


1. One Life

One Life is an incredible new film starring Anthony Hopkins as a hero who saved many Jewish children during the holocaust. The film follows the protagonist in his older years, reflecting on the impossible mission to save these children. The film has been receiving praise from the film festival circuit and is a tear-jerker. Bring your tissues -- this film is coming out on January 1st, 2024!




2. "Strange Way of Life"

Strange Way Of Life is a short film by Spanish director Pedro Almodóvar starring Pedro Pascal and Ethan Hawke. If you're looking to see a Western movie with a short runtime, this film is for you! The whole story is only 30 minutes but is packed full of drama. The film is playing in arthouse theaters now!




3. Anatomy of A Fall

This new French film is about a woman accused of murdering someone who fell from her roof. This film was praised at the Cannes Film Festival and even won the Palme d’Or! If you are looking for a fantastic thriller with unforgettable performances, give this film a watch -- it is playing in theaters now!




4. Robot Dreams

Robot Dreams is a new animated film from France and Spain that has been getting a lot of buzz! The film is about a dog and a robot who form an incredible friendship based on a popular comic. Robot Dreams releases in French theatres on December 27 and online in the U.S. on November 22!




5. La Chimera

Another incredible film that dazzled audiences at Cannes is La Chimera is a must-see! La Chimera is a period Italian romance about a recently released prisoner who goes to reconnect with his loved one. This film should pick up on streaming soon, and when it does, we will be the first to watch this film!




6. Les Indésirables

This incredible Ladj Ly film is the second installment after the French director's 2019 masterpiece Les Misérables. This film is about a young mayor and activist who clash over how to help their local neighborhood. Les Misérables was nominated for Best International Feature at the Oscars, and this second film could be just as good, if not better! Les Indésirables comes out on December 7th!