6 Black Friday Survival Tips!

Black Friday is just around the corner, and I’m here to give you all some tips on how to make the most out of your Black Friday shopping! As a well-seasoned Black Friday shopper, I have the scoop on how to prepare so that you don’t find yourself in an awkward and unwanted position at the sale racks and the cash registers!
1. Know your size.
Before you even get in your car to head to the malls and stores, know what size pants, shirts, shoes, and any other size you are so that you don’t have to waste time trying on clothes. You can just grab your size then head to the cash register.
2. Know your friends' and family’s sizes too!
I get a majority of my holiday shopping done before December even starts thanks to Black Friday. Find out what size jacket your brother wears, or what size shoe your cousin wears, so that way you don’t have to spend time calling them or wondering if you got the right fit. Get in there, find the sizes, and move on to the next store.
3. Do your homework!
Stores will always put out their advertisements before Back Friday starts, so look through those newspapers and coupons and check out how good the sales are. This will also tell you what specials they are going to be having and allows you to compare prices between stores. Places like Walmart and Target usually price match, so do your homework ahead of time so you don’t have to drive from store to store for a better deal.
4. Plan a route.
Not to mention each store is starting to open earlier and earlier. Figure out which stores you want to go to according to what time the stores start to open. For example, hit up Best Buy at 5am when they open, then jet over to Kohls at 7am.
5. Have cash and card ready.
Some registers will open and be cash only or card only. Save yourself some time in line by having both prepared!
6. Charge your smartphone.
If you have a smartphone, charge that baby to 100% battery life. Download the stores' apps and get the coupons from your email. The apps will be able to give you the latest information about good deals and sales. Stores may also have promotions when you have to scan codes to get the deal, so make sure your phones are fully charged!
Hopefully these tips will help you out when things get crazy on Black Friday! Maybe I’ll see some of you out there! Everyone be safe and happy shopping!
- Amanda Baltazar, YH Staff