+the news
Tony Romo is a dad
Written by . Published: April 11 2012
Tony Romo has beaten ex-girlfriend Jessica Simpson in the baby stakes - he became a first-time dad on Monday (09Apr12).
The American football star's wife Candice Crawford, sister of actor Chace Crawford, has given birth to a son, called Hawkins Crawford Romo.
A representative for the Dallas Cowboys star says, "Hawkins
Crawford Romo is now a part of the Dallas Cowboys family. He came
into this world on 4/9/12 at 5:30 p.m., 8 lbs. and 8 oz. All is
well with mom."
Jessica Simpson, who dated Tony Romo from 2007 to 2009, is set to
become a mom later this month (Apr12) with her fiance, Eric