Taylor Swift settles Lucky 13 trademark infringement case

Taylor Swift has settled a trademark infringement case with bosses at a California clothing company after they alleged the pop star used their 'Lucky 13' trademarks on her own merchandise.
Executives at Orange County-based firm Blue Sphere hit the Style singer with a lawsuit last year (14), accusing her of incorporating their federally registered phrase in promotions for her own clothing line.
In July (15), company bosses filed a motion asking a judge to force
the pop star to sit through a binding interview, insisting she is
hands-on with her business and in charge of dealing with
trademarks, and a judge ultimately agreed, ordering Swift to give a
Blue Sphere attorneys also served subpoenas to executives at major
companies such as Coca-Cola and Proctor & Gamble in an effort to
investigate endorsement deals they negotiated with Swift.
The case was set to head to trial in January (16), but on Friday
(06Nov15), both parties alerted the judge of a settlement agreement
resolving all claims, according to The Hollywood Reporter,
The number 13 has long been a special number for the pop star, who
has said in the past, "Whenever a 13 comes up in my life, it's a
good thing."