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Tardy Nicole Scherzinger missed Dalai Lama meeting

Written by . Published: December 23 2014

Pop star Nicole Scherzinger missed an appointment with the Dalai Lama because of her poor time keeping.

The former Pussycat Dolls star was recently due to visit the Tibetan monk for a coveted private meeting, but she missed the opportunity because she was so late.

Scherzinger tells Britain's Event magazine, "I'm always late. I miss the most important things. Just recently in L.A. I was due to meet with the Dalai Lama - we were going to sit down and have a one-to-one - I'd even found out that he gives you a special scarf when you meet. But I missed him."

Although she missed the chance for a private chat, Scherzinger did manage to catch some of his speech. She adds, "I got there to hear him speak and I saw him briefly afterwards in the hall but I didn't make my audience with him. I was so mad at myself - but I will always be late."

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