Rihanna donates $100,000 to Philippines relief effort
Rihanna has pledged $100,000 to help the victims of the deadly typhoon which battered the Philippines earlier this month (Nov13).
The Diamonds hitmaker is the latest celebrity to contribute to the relief effort as aid officials and volunteers attempt to help help the citizens affected by Typhoon Haiyan rebuild and recover.
Rihanna has pledged the big-figure sum to the United Nations
Children's Fund (UNICEF), and she is urging others to do and give
what they can to help the cause.
A statement from the Umbrella singer reads: "Emergencies make
headlines, but the recovery continues long after the news cameras
leave. Having been a fan and supporter of UNICEF's work over the
years, I am honored to join them in helping children who have been
impacted by Typhoon Haiyan.
"More than five million kids in the Philippines need our help.
UNICEF is there for them today, and for the long road ahead, and so
am I."
The storm ravaged the Asian nation, claiming the lives of over
5,200 people and leaving thousands homeless.