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Red-faced Emma Watson apologizes for Tina Turner ringtone

Written by . Published: June 29 2016

Emma Watson accidentally revealed her Tina Turner ringtone when her phone went off mid interview.

The 26-year-old actress was speaking about her new movie The Colony on British morning show Lorraine. As she was talking about how the stunning backdrop of Chile contrasts with the "dark things" that happened there during the 1973 military coup, Emma's mobile phone, which was sitting on the table next to her, went off.

Stunned and red-faced, Emma grabbed the phone and quickly turned it off, all the time apologizing to her interviewer Mark Heyes and adding: "That's so embarrassing!"

However, when Mark told her he respected her choice of tune for her ringtone, Emma laughed: "I'm glad that I'm forgiven because it's Tina Turner, otherwise that would have been terrible - I'm so sorry!"

The embarrassing incident over, Emma and Mark continued with their interview, with the actress talking about how different it was for her being in her first ever dramatic lead role.

"It's definitely a different vibe (being in a leading, dramatic role)," she said. "You kind of have to set a tone, you're there every day, you have to have a sense of the piece as a whole and what your character's arc is but also what the story's arc is..."

Emma has made a name for herself in recent months as a spokesperson for women's rights. And the reversal of gender norms in The Colony is something that Emma found very appealing.

"I feel like every story has that damsel in distress moment where the guy has to save the girl," she said. "In this story, Lena really goes and saves her boyfriend, her love. So I really liked the reversal."

Emma can soon be seen taking on the role of Belle in the live action remake of Disney's Beauty and the Beast. The part required her to dust off her singing voice, which the actress admits she found very "nerve wracking".

"I'd sung as a child and I really loved it," she smiled. "I was in musical plays and my mom helped me record a song just for fun, and I loved it. But I just hadn't done it for such a long time, so it was like learning to ride a bike again."

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