Octavia Spencer loves Jessica Chastain's vegan soul food

Octavia Spencer is patiently waiting for the Hollywood awards season to end - so her busy pal Jessica Chastain will have time to cook her another hearty meal.
The star has been the toast of the film industry this winter (12/13) thanks to her critically-acclaimed performance in Zero Dark Thirty, about the real-life, decade-long search and killing of terrorist leader Osama bin Laden.
Jessica Chastain has already won a Golden Globe for her portrayal
of CIA Agent Maya, while she is nominated for the coveted Best
Actress title at the upcoming Academy Awards.
Octavia Spencer, who befriended the Oscar nominee while filming
2011 drama The Help, is thrilled for her pal, but she secretly
can't wait for Jessica Chastain to return home so the pair can
catch up over a delicious dinner prepared by the multi-talented
Octavia Spencer congratulated Jessica Chastain on all of her awards
success by sending a note to talk show host Katie Couric, who
passed on her kind words to the actress when she appeared on the
daytime program Katie on Tuesday (12Feb13).
The message read: "Jessica, I hope that since starring on Broadway
and getting your second Oscar nomination... you haven't gotten too
busy to cook me another delicious vegan, soul food meal! All of the
accolades you've received this year are so deserved and couldn't
have happened to a better person!!! Love ya, Octavia."
Explaining the cooking reference to the studio audience, a blushing
Jessica Chastain said, "You know what's so funny about the movie
(The Help) is Minnie (Spencer's maid character) teaches Celia
(Chastain) how to cook and Celia's such a disaster... That shows
how great an actress Octavia is, because you really think she knows
how to cook. That woman knows nothing about cooking at all! And
she's not a vegan, but she so didn't know how to cook that she
would come over to my house to eat vegan food!"