Miley Cyrus keen to protect little sister from the evils of fame

Written by . Published: June 21 2017

Miley Cyrus is hoping to protect her little sister Noah from meanies in the music industry, who expect kids to take harsh criticism like adults.

The Malibu singer's kid sister has just started out her pop career after she was offered a recording contract following a club performance, and Miley is determined to make sure the teenager doesn't have to experience what she went through as a child star.

"When you're in this industry, adults treat kids like adults," she tells U.S. radio host Elvis Duran. "I think the way people judge you or people would write articles on me when I was a kid going through the times of having crazy breakouts or going through break ups or whatever I was going through, people would treat me like I could handle those comments as an adult, like I had this thick skin."

Miley admits teenage fame and everything that came with it left her "jaded" and "guarded" and she doesn't want Noah to go through that.

"I don't ever want her to get like that...," she adds. "I really hope that she never feels those pressures and I hope other people respect her and don't actually make her something she's not."

And, as far as advice goes, Miley has told her sister to stay offline: "I always tell Noah, 'Keep your comments turned off. Never read anything that anyone says about you. Don't Google yourself'."

Noah's success has brought the sisters closer together, because now the teen can appreciate what Miley is going through.

"She kind of understands, more than ever, how I feel of how draining it (touring and promoting) is," the older, wiser Cyrus explains. "She understands how hard it is now. Now having someone that really understands how hard it can be when you're away from home for a month, me and my little sister have a new bond over that.

"She loves me more now that she knows I do something. She always thought I do nothing and that I went to put two wigs on."