Jet-ski collision survivor Sean Kingston offers hope for Usher's former stepson

Sean Kingston has reached out to Usher and his estranged wife's family after learning the R&B superstar's former stepson is battling for his life following a jet-ski accident.
Usher's ex Tameka Foster's 11-year-old son Kile Glover has been declared brain dead by doctors in Georgia after he was knocked out when an inflatable raft he was playing on collided with a jet-ski, driven by a family friend, on Lake Lanier in Atlanta last week (06Jul12).
And Kingston, who was hospitalised last year (11) following a
jet-ski accident, is desperate to get in touch with the Yeah!
hitmaker and offer his support.
He tells, "I'm trying to reach out to him right
now... I want to extend my condolences to Tameka and her
"I know how that is, it's a crazy situation. People need to pray
right now, all he needs is a good prayer. I hope everything works
out... It's a tough situation."
The drama has brought back bad memories of his own near-death
jet-ski collision with a bridge: "I was just praying to the man
above to pull me through it and he did. I mean, I was dead, and
they brought me back and I have a huge scar for the rest of my life
(to remind me)."