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Iggy Azalea undergoes skin peel

Written by . Published: June 11 2015

Rapper Iggy Azalea has confessed to undergoing a laser skin peel.

The Fancy hitmaker, who previously underwent breast enhancement surgery, was spotted coming out of a clinic in Beverly Hills, California on Monday (08Jun15) with a red, blotchy face, and now she has now revealed she underwent a procedure which is designed to give patients younger-looking skin.

However, Azalea, 25, admits the immediate after-effects left her looking like fictional character Harvey Dent, aka Two-Face, from the Batman franchise, who has burns covering half his face.

Azalea writes in a post on Twitter.com, "I got some kind of laser skin peel thing a few days ago and now I look like 'two face' from Batman."

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