Carrie Underwood's husband thanks fans for support during singer's surgery

Written by . Published: November 17 2017

Carrie Underwood's husband has thanked fans for supporting his wife as she recovered from wrist surgery this week (beg13Nov17).

Former ice hockey star Mike Fisher rushed to the singer's side after learning she had been hospitalized following a nasty fall at their home in Tennessee last week (10Nov17).

Carrie broke her wrist and underwent surgery on Tuesday (14Nov17).

She updated fans the following day, tweeting: "I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm doing great. Had surgery on my wrist yesterday & all went well... even though I'll be setting off airport metal detectors from now on... I'm so thankful for the doctors, nurses, family & friends who've been taking such great care of me."

"I'll be alright...," she added. "(It) might just take some time..."

Now, her husband has hit social media to thank fans and friends for "the tremendous love and support for Carrie over the last few days".

In an Instagram post, he writes: "I'm reminded that there are so many good people in this world. I'm reminded that through our pain, fears and tough times God is with us and He's painting a beautiful story through it all... Sometimes it's hard to understand why things happen but we thank him and Praise His name in the midst of it all (sic)! Thanks again!!"

Initial reports suggested Underwood suffered a broken wrist, cuts and abrasions when she fell on some steps outside her Nashville home.

The injury and subsequent surgery forced the Before He Cheats star to pull out of the induction ceremony for her native Oklahoma Hall of Fame - and she had to give up the honor. She is expected to be nominated again next year (18).