Judge drops restraining order against Tyrese Gibson

Written by . Published: November 17 2017

Tyrese Gibson has scored a small legal victory in his custody battle with his ex-wife after a judge dismissed her temporary restraining order against him.

The Fate of the Furious star has been locked in a custody and protection order fight with Norma Gibson since September (17), when she obtained a temporary restraining order forbidding Tyrese from going anywhere near her or their 10-year-old daughter Shayla. Norma accused her ex of abusing their child by allegedly spanking her so hard she was unable to sit down afterward.

Tyrese's ex was seeking to have the order made permanent and during a hearing on Friday (17Nov17), but the judge denied her request. According to TheBlast.com, the judge ruled Tyrese didn't display an ongoing pattern of harassment towards Norma.

The ruling comes days after Norma filed paperwork to force Tyrese to undergo a psychiatric evaluation. Her lawyer, Aleen Khanjian, highlighted numerous video rants Tyrese has posted on social media in recent weeks, during which he raged about the custody dispute and broke down as he begged to see his daughter, while noting he had also hired a plane to fly a banner expressing his love for Shayla over her school.

The actor/singer recently addressed his online behavior, claiming new medication he had been prescribed for an unspecified mental health disorder had had an "adverse effect" on him.

He also noted "high stress" and a "very traumatic experience" had contributed to his breakdown, but insisted he is now "in the clear" after flushing the medication out of his system.

The embattled star was married to Norma from 2007 to 2009. Tyrese wed his second wife, Samantha Lee, in February (17).