Ashton Kutcher hospitalized as he prepared for Steve Jobs biopic
Ashton Kutcher was hospitalized days before shooting the upcoming Steve Jobs biopic after adopting the businessman's "fruitarian diet" to prepare for the role.
The actor plays the lead in new movie jOBS and he did all he could to accurately portray the late Apple boffin, even changing his eating plan to include just fruits, nuts and seeds.
However, Kutcher was left "doubled over in pain" after sticking to
the diet, and sought medical advice in hospital.
He tells the Associated Press, "(The diet) can lead to some serious
issues. I ended up in the hospital two days before we started
shooting the movie.
"I was like doubled over in pain, and my pancreas levels were
completely out of whack, which was completely terrifying,
considering everything."
Jobs died of complications from pancreatic cancer in 2011.