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Anjelica Huston's horse injury

Written by . Published: April 17 2012

Anjelica Huston suffered a nasty fall last year (11) after challenging herself to ride her "hardest horse".

The Witches actress moved to New York from California to star in new TV sensation Smash, but before Huston left the West Coast she decided to set herself a personal challenge - which ended badly.

She tells Britain's Radio Times, "Before I left California I was determined to ride all of my horses in order of difficulty. Start with the easiest and go to the hardest. When I got to the sixth and hardest horse I had a big fall.

"Somehow I knew it was coming and I was lying on my back staring up. It was humiliating. It's nothing to do with how good a rider you are, but it's almost as if you have to learn how to become good at taking a fall. You have knowledge of it before it happens. It's a peculiar thing, but it's about risk-taking. You are probably going to have a fall but you do it anyway."

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