Tyga pays ex-landlord to avoid arrest

Rapper Tyga has handed over a large wad of cash to an angry former landlord so he can return to America without getting arrested.
Los Angeles Police Department, L.A. County Sheriffs Department, and Customs officials have all been notified of the hip-hop star's plans to return from Turks & Caicos, where he has been celebrating girlfriend Kylie Jenner's birthday, and they were determined to follow through on an arrest warrant issued earlier this week (beg08Aug16) when he failed to show in court to face the landlord, who won a $480,000 judgment against him back in March (16).
Sources tell TMZ, Tyga would have been detained by Customs
officials as soon as he set foot on American soil, and they in turn
would have notified L.A. authorities.
But Tyga and his legal team settled the matter on Thursday
(11Aug16) "to the mutual satisfaction of all parties", according to
his former landlord's attorney.
Reports now suggest Tyga's lawyer will go to court on Friday
(12Aug16) and ask the judge overseeing the case to withdraw the
arrest warrant hanging over his client.
The landlord, Gholamreza Rezai, sued the star in 2012 after he
allegedly broke the terms of a one-year lease on a $16,000-a-month
mansion in Malibu, California.
Court papers suggested Tyga left the property in need of repair
after installing a strippers' pole in the master bedroom, damaging
the property's hardwood floors, its intercom system, a gate opener
and the glass-tiled shower.
The Rack City star was scheduled to be questioned under oath on
Tuesday (09Aug16) about his financial affairs and assets after
failing to pay out the judgment of more than $480,000 stemming from
the lawsuit filed by Rezai.