Ashley Greene engaged

Written by . Published: December 30 2016

Twilight star Ashley Greene is engaged.

The actress' boyfriend Paul Khoury popped the question during a vacation in New Zealand a week before Christmas.

Ashley has taken to Instagram to post video from the couple's trip to Bridal Veil Falls on 19 December (16), including footage of her new fiance down on one knee as he asked her to marry him, calling it "the most beautiful moment I could have ever hoped for".

She added the caption: "You’ve successfully made me the happiest, luckiest woman alive. I can’t wait to show you my unfaltering immeasurable love for the rest of our lives."

Khoury also posted the footage, in which he jumps for joy as his bride-to-be accepts his proposal, adding: "I promise to put a smile on your face for the rest of our lives. You complete me in ways I didn't even know was possible. I love you more than anything and excited to take this next step in life with you (sic)!"

He added the hashtag "#ShesGonnaBeAKhoury".

Greene hit the headlines earlier this year (16) when her ex-boyfriend, Joe Jonas, revealed he lost his virginity to her and went into detail about the sex encounter during a Reddit chat with fans.

"You can probably just Google it," he said. "It's pretty easy to figure out. I dated a girl named Ashley, so just Google it to figure out which Ashley that is."

During his ill-advised sex tale, he revealed he raided his bandmate's room for condoms.

"I demolished his room looking for them," he said. "(I) found them underneath his underwear drawer. When he came home, he thought somebody broke into his room because his whole room was demolished because I was in dire need."

Following Joe's big reveal, the actress appeared to respond on Instagram, posting: "Class is timeless."

The 27-year-old DNCE singer insisted he didn't intend to cause offence or upset his ex, telling Entertainment Tonight, "I'm not out to hurt anybody, but I think, ultimately, I'm just telling my stories and what I can say from my heart... I think life's too short, you know? I mean ultimately, I think of myself as an honest guy. There are just those moments in life where you have to be true to yourself and true to the world."