Throwing in a 2nd T.J. Miller Interview for Free! (Plus Shipping & Handling)
Professional goofball and part-time QVC host T.J. Miller (AKA Fibberton Buttlestix) returns to the Studio, this time to dish on his film 'Seeking a Friend for the End of the World' and attempt to sell our green room popcorn machine. In between price-slashings, T.J. discusses his scene-smealing appearance in 'Rock of Ages', reiterates his dismay for mid-air crying, and describes the delicate texture of Steve Carell's ears. ACT NOW, and we'll also throw in some Twitter questions from fans! SOLD! Hosted by Nikki Novak.
Hunter Parrish Expresses Himself
"Weeds" star dishes the final season of the Showtime series
Rob Dyrdek: Extraterrestrial Skateboarding Champ
"Fantasy Factory" star dishes TV show and answers Twitter queries
James Maslow Makes Our Hearts Rush, Big Time
Big Time Rush singer talks about filming with his group in Hawaii
'Magic Mike' Star Adam Rodriguez Makes It Rain
Actor discusses sharing the stage with 'Magic Mike' co-stars
Singer John West's Humble Hustle
Singer and former street performer shows off his drawing skills