Your Movie Bucket List in One Epic Video Montage!

Let me pose a couple of questions for you... Have you ever heard of a book called 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die? If you answered no, don't fret, I’ll fill you in on it. 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die is a book that releases new editions pretty much annually. It’s kind of like the Farmer's Almanac except with films. If the title didn’t give it away already, this tome is essential for movie buffs, as it tells you the 1,001 movies you MUST see before you DIE! So hurry up!
My second question is, do you love watching movies but hate reading? If you answered by jumping out of your seat and screaming “TO HELL WITH READING!”… I’ve got the perfect video for you. Heck, any readers out there will probably get a kick out of it too. Someone went to A LOT of trouble to lovingly put together a montage of all 1,001 films in this 10-and-a-half minute video. Check it out below:
WARNING: This video contains a couple of brief moments of foul language, crazy musical sequences and epic scenes of awesomeness. Enjoy!
I hope you enjoyed that even if you do like to read. Did you spot any movies you haven't seen yet? Did you jot them all down on a post-it or your nearest convenient note-taking apparatus? This list is essential for veteran and newbie film buffs alike, and is a damn great representation of some of the magnificent cinematic achievements over the last century. And as more great movies continue to be made and released every year, this list is constantly being updated and rotated, so be sure to keep up!
The book by Steven Jay Schneider is available for purchase on Amazon. It’s even eligible for Prime discounts and free delivery offers! Huzzah for Amazon Prime!
(Screenshot via YouTube)
- Kevin Donaldson, YH Staff