YH Host Lesley Robins Guides You Through That Nasty Break-Up in New Book!

When I was 21, I went through a horrific break-up. They say that your first break-up is always the hardest, and for me that was certainly true. I could rattle off a bunch of clichés about what a pit of despair I was in following this break-up, but after many tears, hugs, and lots of chocolate, I came out stronger than ever -- and a year later met my current boyfriend. I have no regrets getting out of that relationship, as it wasn’t healthy, but I do wish that I had had more solid advice to help get me through it.
Thankfully, there is now a book that is designed to do just that. YH’s very own Lesley Robins has written a book designed to help you get through that terrible break-up. The Breakup Book: 20 Steps to Healing a Broken Heart details Robins's own difficult break-up, and how she lived to tell the tale. In the bleak introduction, Robins describes her tumultuous relationship (with a man she dubs “My Mr. Big" -- nice nod to “Sex and the City” there) and how she finally came to cut herself free and focus on herself. Robins bravely reflects on the mistakes that she made and how she has become a better person because of them. The introduction makes you feel as though you are talking to one of your close girlfriends -- one of your fearless, clever girlfriends who will be there for you no matter what. Having been through my own nasty break-up in which I made plenty of mistakes and should have walked away the first time, I related to Lesley's story and the steps that she took.

Following her story, Robins offers a 20-step plan to survive your break-up. Some of her advice may seem somewhat obvious, but we do need a gentle reminder to do these things, such as spending close time with our friends and family, exercising, cutting that person off from social media, and staying busy. A few of her other tips, however, are a bit more unique, like writing about your pain, traveling to places you’ve always wanted to visit, and being inspired by other survivors (such as Rocky... now that’s a survivor).
Lesley's book is the ideal read for anyone going through a rough break-up... or even if you are not, there is still plenty of great advice on how to get through those rough patches in life. Let her words inspire you -- and remember that it does get better!
The book is now available for purchase, and you can do so on Amazon. You can also keep up with Lesley on Twitter and right here on YH!
(Photos via Shaun Benson)
- Sarah Osman, YH Staff