( © Kallie Rock/Zayden Phan)

YH EXCLUSIVE: Q&A with Kallie Rock & New Single Premiere!

Written by Joely Live. Published: April 07 2023


Remember the name Kallie Rock? We know you do! Kallie was one of our featured Artists To Watch nearly a year ago, and we told you how she was taking over your playlists. That still remains true, and this year, we are exclusively premiering her brand new single, “I Hate You So Much”!


You probably read “I Hate You So Much” and instantly freak out, thinking "the perfect song right in time for hot girl summer". And you aren't wrong. Prepare to have it on blast, and if you have ever been done dirty, this one is for you!


We caught up up with Kallie ahead of her release to see what really went down in order for her to write such a powerful single.


YH: What inspired the single?

KR: What inspired the title was this guy who I wouldn’t even let my guard down for at first because I wasn’t interested in him having a girlfriend while trying to pursue me. It wasn’t until one of my best guy friends, who is in the same sport as him as well, asked me some important questions, and I answered "yes" to those, and he said, "Based off that, I think you should give him a chance." I did end up giving in, and I felt on top of the world, and he fed me all these lies. Come to find out, he calls me on Draft Day and his girlfriend was on TV with him later that day. Great way to find out, right? Although I truly have no hate in my heart, as I feel we shouldn’t live that way. I really, really dislike the guy. Safe to say, I ended things and told him to leave me alone.


YH: Does he know that this song is about him?

KR: Hm, I am sure he still looks at my pages and will know the shoe fits. It takes a lot for me to open my heart to someone; he knows he hurt that. He still texts me from time to time.


YH: For the fans and listeners of the song, what do you hope they feel when they listen?

KR: I hope that, when fans listen to this record, they become more alert and guarded in a sense. What I mean by that is, listening to your intuition if you have a feeling about there being someone else. Ask questions if you feel like you are falling and wondering what the next steps may be. I would also say, never put your all at once, especially if they aren’t. He told me everything I wanted to hear, and meanwhile he had a girlfriend he was madly in love with too, [who] he is still with to this day. I told him to have more respect for her and was at peace walking away, because I would never want that to happen to me.


YH: For people who are new and discovering your music, what is the type of vibe you want them to take away? What is the one thing about Kallie Rock that people will get, no matter what, from your music?

KR: I want people, when discovering and listening to me, to know that every song has a story to tell. One of the most important things in my music is writing music that means so much to me. We are all human, and we go through a lot in general, which makes some stories so relatable to one another. The one thing that you will get from me, no matter what story, are telling lyrics that will hit home in many ways for people across this world. I think you will also see the passion through not only the lyrics but the tone and my voice as well. All glory to God for it all.


YH: What feelings and experiences do you have yet to write about?

KR: As far as feelings and experiences I have yet to write about, it’s so funny, I was just having this conversation in a session a week or so ago. It’s tough because, as a writer, I think that’s where you want to be the most vulnerable and let everything out, but sometimes it does take time, 'cause I feel like we naturally still heal through trauma and things we have been through. I have lost a lot of family in my life -- my dad, brother, etc. So, I think I want to write about losing them and how that has shaped me, and just me growing up and how I hold so much in but always keep a smile. I just want everyone in life to be okay and happy. I put others before me.


Go stream your new Song of the Summer NOW!