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"Veronica Mars" Hits Hulu a Week Early and We Are Shook!

Written by Kyla Killackey. Published: July 26 2019


For the first time in more than a decade, "Veronica Mars" is back with all new episodes, and they even gifted them to us early! Last week at Comic-Con, Kristen Bell gave Marshmallows quite the surprise when she announced Hulu would start streaming the new season a whole week earlier than it had originally been announce,d and the Internet rejoiced.


Until they got to the end, that is…




In Season 4, our favorite sarcastic, now grown-up P.I. returns home to Neptune after a decade away and gets right back into the swing of Mars Investigations. But don’t get let yourself be lured in by a false comfort seeing Veronica’s familiar face -- the feeling won’t last for long. This time around, the show has grown up too, offering up its highest stakes yet during a Spring Break that takes a very sinister turn.


For returning fans, there’s a lot to like. This season is full of running jokes, Easter eggs, and old friends, but it’s also easy to jump on board for first-timers. As Veronica investigates a series of bombings that seem to be targeting the surge of Spring Breakers, she finds herself on an increasingly dangerous trail that will change her life forever...


Now, I don’t want to spoil anything for those who didn’t binge-watch the entire season in 24 hours like me, but here’s an idea of what you’re in store for:


- A Mexican drug cartel

- Logan Echolls shirtless

- The return of the best father-daughter relationship on TV

- Dick Casablanca taking his rightful place as King of Spring Break

- Logan Echolls with a dog

- A lot of pizza

- Veronica kind of making a friend

- Logan Echolls in uniform

- A potential Veronica protégé

- Lots of alcohol

- And Logan Echolls in the shower


All in all, this fourth season feels a lot like it did back at the very beginning -- an alluring, well-played mystery that’s almost addicting. And if my spidey senses are correct, Hulu might be even be setting us up for a spin-off. So watch away, Marshmallows, there’s a lot to uncover!


P.S. – if you have seen the ending, I am still holding out hope for a miracle and I won’t be convinced otherwise. Here’s to hoping for a Season 5!