Top 5 Most Patriotic Songs!

Sure, the 4th of July is still 4 months off, but it's never too early to start showing your patriotic colors!. And thanks to some recent music industry happenings, we’ve decided to praise songs about America the Beautiful!
This past week, Rihanna debuted her newest song, “American Oxygen” at the March Madness Music Festival in Indianapolis, Indiana, and it sparked some serious interest! The lyrics are about patriotism, resilience, and achieving the American Dream. If you want to watch the official music video, you’ll have to sign up (and pay) for Tidal, but in honor of this nationalistic jam, we’ve decided to make a list of the top five patriotic songs!
5. “America” -- Neil Diamond
“We've been traveling far / Without a home / But not without a star / Free / Only want to be free / We huddle close / Hang on to a dream / On the boats and on the planes / They're coming to America”
4. “American Soldier” -- Toby Keith
"I will always do my duty, no matter what the price / I've counted up the cost, I know the sacrifice / Oh, and I don't wanna die for you, but if dyin''s asked of me / I'll bear that cross with honor, 'cause freedom don't come free"
3. “Only in America” -- Brooks & Dunn
"Only in America / Where we dream in red, white, and blue / Only in America / Where we dream as big as we want to"
2. “God Bless the U.S.A” -- Lee Greenwood
"I gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today / 'Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land / God bless the USA"
1. "Star-Spangled Banner" -- Whitney Houston
I think it's safe to say that this is, was, and will remain the standard to which all singers of the National Anthem aspire.
(Photo via Carrie Devorah/WENN)
- Nicole Koch, YH Staff