"The Walking Dead" Spinoff to Keep Our Zombie Thirst Quenched This Summer!

It’s been a while since we’ve heard any news about that "Walking Dead" spin-off, and we’ve all been waiting ever so patiently for its release. Last year, we got a little bit of information about the show and its characters.
It was recently announced, though, that AMC has ordered two seasons of the highly-anticipated spin-off, and our favorite special effects artist, Greg Nicotero, will be there in the production seat.
The creator of the comic book series, Robert Kirkman, was at SXSW and he gave a little more insight on the series. The spin-off will not actually be a prequel per se. It does begin before Rick wakes from his coma, and it will give us more about exactly how the zombie apocalypse started in the first place, but the storyline will eventually catch up to where we are now with Rick’s group. So, the show will be running more concurrently with "The Walking Dead". The setting takes place on the West Coast, so we might not get the crossover that all the fans are yearning for, but we will be on the lookout for easter eggs!
According to IMDb, the spin-off will be called "Fear the Walking Dead", as it does take place in the same universe as "The Walking Dead". The show is set to premiere this summer!
But until then, we still have another episode before this season’s finale, and it will be unlike anything we’ve seen before.
This season, we’ve seen Rick and his group in a new light since their arrival to Alexandria. Up until this point, our group have always been the protagonists and just dealing with what the infected world spits at them. But, if you read the comics, you know that there is a huge role reversal coming, and it's coming soon!
This season has been throwing the audience some hints about what’s going to happen, and, well, its going to be CRAZY! Forget the subtle hints and foreshadowing, because the biggest hint basically spells it out for us. In last week's episode, Pastor Gabriel pulled a jerk move and totally sold out the group.
It’s a very powerful dialogue, and I can’t wait to see how everything unfolds from here on out compared to the comic book.
Don’t forget to catch the season finale on Sunday, March 29! And be on the lookout for more news about "Fear the Walking Dead"!
(Photo via WENN)
- Amanda Baltazar, YH Staff